My first weight watchers meeting was when I was 8. At 10, I was enrolled in Children’s Hospital Obesity program. In my teens I did Atkins and bought every workout gimmick I could. In my late 20’s and early 30’s, I stopped even trying. I was so tired of this lifelong battle of rollercoaster dieting and emotions (one moment being ok with my body because it’s all I’d ever known, and the next feeling desperate, trapped and claustrophobic in this body).
However, after a failed marriage at 36, I looked into gastric bypass surgery but my insurance didn’t cover it and I couldn’t afford the out-of-pocket cost. After that, I came to terms with the fact that I was going to be stuck in this body for the rest of my life.
Then at 37 I got pregnant and had my daughter. Her Dad and I separated a year after she was born and my weight ballooned even more out of sheer stress. I felt hopeless, lost and like I wasn’t a good Mom.
This was my turning point. Being a single parent and wanting to be alive for my daughter. Wanting to not be held back by this obese body that was keeping me trapped. I was scared to make a change, but KNEW I had to do something or I was going to die. I was scared of failing AGAIN.
That’s when I found GLP1 medications and ultimately Emerge Weight. Name brand got too expensive and most telehealth providers would not ship to the state I lived in. I found Emerge and the rest is history. THEY HAVE SAVED MY LIFE. In 7 months, I am down almost 70lbs. I am happy, my body doesn’t hurt, all the inflammation is gone, I can keep up with my daughter and I feel like my life is finally just beginning. Thank you Emerge for being so wonderful and for giving me my life back.
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