Just a girl on another weight loss journey to better her life and guess what? This time it’s actually working!
My names Brittani and I’ve been on my GLP-1/Tirzepatide journey since January of this year, 2024. It’s now been 6 months and I’m down 40 pounds, my blood pressure has calmed down to a normal number and the food noise I once heard every waking hour of the day, silenced!
When I say I’ve been on a weight loss journey since the beginning, I can remember all the way back to being 13 years old and not wanting to take my shirt off at the pool or water park. As a Floridian, I was always in the water, always at the beach. Growing up being the “bigger kid” comes with tons of emotional and traumatic memories.
Fast forward to being a girl mom to the sweetest little girl, I do not want her to ever be ashamed of her body, her mind or what others may think of her. So the real reason I’ve sparked a fire under this journey is all because of her!
Brittani Verhoeven
@letsgetfitwithbrit / Code: BRITTANI50